Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rice Krispy Disaster.

So the plan was to make rice krispy treats for Anna's Pre-K class. No problem. Being the crafty Mom I try to be at times I planned to make them in a fun shape. I already did pumpkins for Katy so I was going to do something diffent. Witche's Hats. Black is near impossible to get from food coloring so I was going to do purple hats with green trim in the form of yogo strips.

Well, I don't know if it was the generic rice krispies or the stuff not wanting to cooperate but I couldn't get the stuff to stick together for the life of me. I tried for a good 20 minutes before giving up on the hats and thought, I'll make little purple snakes, but that fell apart too. So after 40 minutes of wrestling with the rice krispies I surrendered and pressed them into a cookie sheet.

So Crafty Mom failed tonight. They are sweet and tasty and that is all the kids will care about, but I still wish the cute little hats I had pictured in my head had been able to materialize.

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