Sunday, October 26, 2008

Costume shopping is finally done! Sort of.

Tara was so easy. I picked up two cute costumes at Target. Showed them to her, she grabbed one, hugged it, said thank you and put it next to her. Done!

Her sisters are another story. Anna wanted to be whatever Katy wanted to be. Katy didn't want Anna to be like her. Then Katy couldn't decide what to be, but she was certain it was not at Target. So we were left to this weekend, the weekend before Halloween and if they didn't find anything at the Party Store they just were out of luck.

So we were steeled for another, there is nothing here I want to be or worse a case of I want to be this, that and this all at once(one idea batted around was a spider-bird-fairy-princess) and having to try and talk them down as with various things going on we are not in a position to spend $40+ per kid for a cheaply made costume.

So with grandparents in tow we entered the store and were pleasantly surprised as each daughter rapidly selected what they wanted and the good clerk behind us, picked right up and requested the sizes we needed before we had to ask.

Anna happily received hers and this is where the kink came in. They were out of Katy's. So back to the wall o' costumes. After much discussion, an agreement to still buy vampire teeth and to add a broom to the list we selected a second choice and made our way to check out. This should be the end. But two broken brooms and no vampire teeth suitable for a 6yr old who will want to take them out fifty times a hour we left with me knowing I'd be looking for these items later this week.

To top it off though. I discovered after we were home with our non-returnable costumes that Anna's was not the right size. She fits, but barely. I'll be waffling tonight on wether to leave it since it does fit if a bit snug, or bite the bullet and hope the store has a larger size that I'll need to take in.

Decisions, decisions.

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