Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy 'Happy Day' Baby Girl!

My baby turned two today! A happy but bittersweet occasion as my final baby gets a wee bit older.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Quotables from Anna......

Katy is reciting nursery rhymes. Current one on her play list, Hey Diddle Diddle. She had just got to the end with the fork running off with the spoon and went in search of a fork and spoon. When she found one of the many tea party forks she turned towards where her sisters were playing and we hear:

Anna: 'I can be a spoon, my head is kind of shaped like one.'

And so it begins..............

The second day of school and we have our first birthday party invite. May the festivities begin!


One more baby leaves for school.....

My middle girl Anna had her first full day of school today. She started Pre-K yesterday and so now I am the mom of two school age kids.

The house is really quiet without Anna. Unless pulled into playing with Anna, Katy all in all is a pretty quiet child. Turns out Tara is much the same, content to look at books, watch her shows and play dollhouse without much fuss.

Tara is missing her sisters though, she has called out to them several times today. Wondering where they are and asking if they are hiding, then wanting me to help her find them.

I should be reveling in the quiet and the ability to get a bit more work done during the day, but am finding myself with a lack of motivation. Guess Tara isn't the only one who will have to adjust to the new status quo.

As for the big school girls, they are loving it so far. For Anna its a big new world and she is enjoying having others to play with and getting to try new things. Katy just loves to learn and so school is one of her very favorite places to be, though she was disappointed they didn't get to do any math on the first day. She hopes they will do some today. She must get that from her Dad! :)