Monday, September 17, 2007

Apparently we are going to have a lemondade stand....

At least according to Anna we are.

All weekend we have been deluged with requests for the ingredients and a box so we can make the stand. Anna would throw into conversation how it was so hot, perfect for a lemonade stand. Don't forget the juice, we need sugar for lemonade.

Her great-grandmother suggested to her that we could have a yard sale and she can sell her lemonade. Later I suggested to Mike that she could sell her kitchen while hawking her lemonade. :D

So thanks Nickelodeon for showing my 3.5yr old how to make lemonade(Yo! Gabba Gabba!) and then telling her how to sell it(Max n' Ruby)!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It that time of year where every commercail becomes a coveted Christmas wish...

Anna's wish list so far is comprised of:

An Island Princess Barbie
A My Little Pony Baby that lays on its back and bats at toys hanging from its play mat
and last but not least and surely not to remain last for long, a Little Tykes Kitchen with flashing lights.

To the last item I asked her:

'Don't you already have a kitchen in your bedroom?'



'It's for sale.'

'For sale?'



I still don't see any new kitchens in her future but I give her an A for effort.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Things I learned while laying carpet tiles.....

-When the calculators say you need 10 boxes and you decide you should order 11 boxes to cover all your bases, you should really order 12 boxes.

-Remember that carpet doesn't magically adhere to the floor and that carpet tacking strips will be glued and nailed down into your concrete subfloor. After 20-30 yrs wood and glue do start to melt into concrete apparently.

-Poles in the center of your living room are a royal pain in the ___ to cut around.

-You can lay the tiles down without removing all the furniture in a room. Do know that this will add lots of time to your timeline.

-If you think you're going to do it in one night, stop, laugh and add two days. We started Thursday after all three girls were in bed and we still have some edging to do.

It looks great and I might actually be willing to tackle another room with carpet or laminate, but not til I can bend over without pain again.