Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ok, well that didn't go quite as planned....

As has been mentioned Tara has a variety of food allergies. Besides the big ones, she had a few mild reaction allergens(rice, chicken, turkey). We had been given the go ahead to reintroduce these items this past winter but decided to hold off.

Now Mike's latest visit to the Dr included a request that despite his daughter's meat restrictions that he needed to look at added more fish and chicken to his diet and to cut out ground meat/pork and stick to lean red meat. Ok, so we made the decision to add chicken back hoping to avoid separate meals for Mike and/or Tara.

Test night was last night. She devoured her chicken and quickly asked for more. This was supposed to be one of her allergens that causes some itching at worse case. So it was quite a surprise when her face turned bright red moments after getting her second helping so around ten minutes after her first helping. A quick dose of benedryl and taking away her plate she was fine, but confused why she couldn't have more of the yummy chicken.

Guess we'll give it a week or two and try rice which shouldn't be a problem as she has had a few things with rice flour.

Looks like turkey is still off the menu for Thanksgiving.

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