Thursday, May 10, 2007

It wasn't a fluke,

she is off, she is gone, loving the freedom of self mobility. I know I've went through this twice before but I just find it amazing how fast a baby can move on all fours. One moment you are putting them down to finish something that literally takes two seconds, but requires two free hands and then look down to find they are across the room about ready to pounce on a piece of fuzz tracked in by the older kids.

Crawling is not enough though, oh no, we added sitting on our own just after we started crawling. I guess getting up once we are at our destination isn't so hard after we've mastered moving. Then once we got ourselves seated, we realized that there is stuff higher then we can see and we must see it. So we have also mastered pulling up to a standing position. We do not have balance mastered yet so most often it results in returning instantly to the seated position. Her sisters were up and walking by 8 and 9 mths so if she keeps trying I should have a fully mobile baby by June/July. Heaven help me.

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